It was a unique WOW conference for me this year, having attended in a hotel under quarantine with my 6 years old girl. But Praise be to God, for He is omnipresent and powerful, He is never confined to a location nor restricted by our circumstances in life! What a powerful message shared by Mama Heidi Baker, I was greatly impacted on the first morning I attended, also our first morning in the hotel quarantine. She spoke about having peace in the midst of Storm, that we can only understand PEACE when we are totally united with Christ. Oh what a message I needed to hear, after going through few days of unrest in my soul prior to being sent to the hotel for quarantine. The anxiety level was high when we first caught news of a COVID case in my girl's class, and the subsequent waiting, testing, coordinating. All these just added to the uncertainties and worries I was feeling.
But indeed, my soul was lifted when she shared about how Jesus lived in perfect peace, and that He did not freak out in any circusmtances! I was also reminded that I needed to be supernaturally infused with Jesus, it is such a powerful truth. Through a life union with Jesus, I can weather any storm with His peace, just like what He did when he walked on earth. Of course, not forgetting to also put on the full armour of God! Mama Heidi's message and life really inspired me. Despite what is going through in the country that she is in right now, she could still carry on the work of God, with supernatural strength frm the Lord! Oh Lord, teach us to live for you and help us to live in Your perfect peace when facing any circusmtance in life! - JL Cheng WOW! Conference 2021 Delegate