My much-needed refreshing. God never, ever shortchanges a hungry, yielded and repentant heart. I’ve known and experienced this truth many times over in the past, although the ratio of hunger to surrender to repentance may have differed somewhat at different times.
However, today as I drove down to the WOW conference, all 3 of these were at the topmost level- hunger, surrender and repentance. I was really hungry for a touch from the Lord. It had been a dry period of many months, and I was dissatisfied with myself and my spiritual walk. I was also working on my yieldedness and obedience towards whatever the Lord had in store for me in the future; I’d been having a few mini issues with Him on how He’d been disseminating His plans in my life thus far; for example an unexpected stay in the hospital earlier this year, and catching Covid while on holiday.
And, last but not least, I had been made painfully aware of the fact that I needed to deeply repent of being judgmental and impatient in my heart towards those I considered stupid and annoying and stubborn, even though outwardly I was being nice to them. I really needed a booster shot of agape love there. Plus I also needed to repent for the dreadful way I had been speaking to those I loved the most. So my heart was ready and prepared to participate wholeheartedly in however the Lord was going to lead, and whatever He was going to speak through the two wonderful Women of Witness over the pulpit this morning.
At the end of the meeting when the altar call was given, Jesus, in His supreme kindness, exceeded all my expectations by manifesting His love and favor and glory wholeheartedly in me, undoing me completely, and leaving me in a slobbering mess on the floor. Thank You, Lord. (I shall try to not care about what anyone might think of my undignified behavior. 😊)
But, every prayer that I had whispered to Him during worship and every question I had asked of Him in my heart, He answered and affirmed through Mama Heidi as she bent over me prostrated on the floor, whispering things in my ear which only God could have told her. It was truly amazing and humbling. I am very blessed.
God is so good and such a loving Father. Jesus is so good and such a kind Friend. The Holy Spirit is so good and such a gentle, yet powerful Paraclete. I want to convey my deep gratitude to Ps Daphne and the WOW team for organizing this conference and for providing a platform where heaven can come down to earth for the sake of God’s precious daughters.
- Anna D'Souza
WOW! Conference 2022 Delegate