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Day 9: Fixing our eyes on Jesus

“…let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross...”

Hebrews 12:1-2

I took up cell-leading again in Generations Youth Ministry during Circuit Breaker and wow, it was not easy. Navigating community, discipleship, and worship became unpredictable and trying. On top of that, I was also handling other major life transitions.

I found myself caught between the demands of a new season of “adulthood” that my peers were all embarking on and my work in “youth” ministry. As I straddled between both seasons of life, the journey often felt lonely and frustrating. When I felt I was walking alone through the valleys, prayer was God’s way of providing me with His sustenance, His daily reminder to look to Jesus, and the revelation of His love and joy for my cell members.

Two years on, I am still leading my cell when more of my peers had moved on. God’s faithfulness has watched over me in my times of loneliness. As we obey God’s calling in our lives and contend with struggles and storms, let us pray unceasingly and fix our eyes on Jesus. For the joy set before us is truly only experienced through walking closely with Him. - By JC


Pray Father, forgive me in times where I neglected spending time with You due to my busyness. You are the source of my strength and I choose to fix my eyes on You through my storms.


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