“God be merciful to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us, that Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations.”
Psalm 67:1-2
We are living possibly in the darkest hour. Yet in the dark times stem the following truth: Jesus still saves! You are not defined by the hell you are going through, but you are defined by the heaven you are going to. You are not defined by what you do for God, but you are defined by what God already did for you. You are not defined by the darkness around you, but you are defined by the light inside you. You have the light of life when you walk in Christ!
As the Church, the gates of hell with the hosts of darkness will not, cannot, must not, and never will prevail against us! We are light. Indeed, God doesn’t call the perfect; He calls the willing. God doesn’t call the ones who have it all; He calls those who are willing to surrender it all.
Our faith is transcendent and transformational. Our faith teaches us to cross over obstacles, to break down walls, to push through crowds, to walk on water even in the midst of a storm. Our faith enables us to survive the fires of life, to overcome the den of lions, and to silence the serpent. Our faith empowers us to see the invisible, embrace the impossible and hope for the incredible.
So arise, daughters of the Most High and shine! - By SL