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Day 28: God never fails

“And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us,

And establish the work of our hands for us;

Yes, establish the work of our hands.”

Psalm 90:17

I received a call that my husband, Caleb, had collapsed during staff meeting while praying for our missionaries in Pakistan. At the hospital, the neurologist diagnosed him with haemorrhage due to brain arteriovenous malformation. Providentially, his bleeding had stopped, and as the haemorrhage did not affect his physical condition, he was discharged after two weeks.

To our horror, we found him in a coma less than a week later. A shunt had to be inserted into his head to treat hydrocephalus, a side effect of his brain injury. It was a long road to recovery and I was 8 months pregnant with our second child.

During this time, we were reminded of a prophetic word given to us months before the injury. Our friend saw Caleb and me coming out of the wilderness, leaning on our Beloved, with Joshua our son and our baby girl in my arm. Our friend also shared that our girl would bring hope to those around her.

We were assured that God had gone before us and prepared the way ahead. We also decided to give Naomi (which means beauty/favour as found in our family verse) a middle name, Hope, as a reminder of how He came through for us. It has been nine years since the incident and we stand amazed at Him who never fails us. - By HG


Pray Father, I put my trust in You and I know that You will bring me out of my wilderness. I thank You for the victory which I am about to receive, and I give glory to Your name.

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