“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”
1 Peter 2:9
Mission flows out of identity; what we do overflows from who we are. The Father desires to thrust forth daughters, not mere slaves. I never had trouble saying, “Yes Lord!” to a task but I had difficulty comprehending God as my Father until an amazing encounter with the Spirit of God after a preaching ministry in 2012.
That encounter had forever changed my life.
I went into an open vision where I saw myself as a little child with a Majestic Presence beside me holding my little hand. I knew immediately that was the Father. He brought me to a zoo (my favourite childhood place) and we ended up in an amphitheatre where a zookeeper was showing off an eagle. That eagle flew above both our heads and the Father turning to me saying, “Sabrina, you’re my daughter and I love you.”. Then the vision ceased.
I laid on that floor for an hour weeping under the love of my Father. When I arose, a shift happened in my identity. I no longer wanted to prove anything to anyone in my works; I now only desire to be a delight to the Father and to put a smile on His face in everything I do. - By SL